Roman travertine is one of the best known rocks in the world for its extensive use. Rome is its ambassador city because it was the stone chosen for its construction.
The most well-known Roman travertine deposits are along the river Aniene, near Rome, Tivoli is its birthplace. It was here that was formed this charming stone. Due to its density and hardness, this open pore rock has an incredible resistance.
We can obtain a very rich chromatic variety that can vary from cream, brown, gray, orange to red. It is composed of calcite (calcium carbonate, CaCO3) and was formed by the evaporation of waters from rivers and springs that were rich in sulfur.
It is used in the construction of buildings, wall cladding, floors, stairs, fountains or decorative pieces.
It is usually used in honed finish, with open pore, when applied on the outside or polished, with closed pore, in the inside. The little holes can be filled with resin or mastic with the same color of the stone. This application follows techniques carefully applied by the local companies.
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